Thursday, October 6, 2016

Patience is a Virtue

There is a blessing and such a torturous side to being a sensitive person. I've said it time and time again to myself. The ability to feel things so deeply can inspire me, sadden me, excite me, but there is just no in between for me. Everything comes in extremes. Lately, I have felt like I am in an unfocused place, just an overall feeling of not being where I want to be, discontent with some personal relationships, discontent with my efforts to creating change, but then I had a conversation that uplifted me and made me realize how far I've come and how many good things are ahead.

I helped a fellow student with a project and allowed her to interview me on what my outlook was on justice. Having to recount moments of frustration and injustice I've felt reminded me of the feeling of discontent I had then on multiple occasions, yet the young woman in front of me praised me for my perseverance. So many questions ran through my mind...Why am I being so negative? Why am I not recalling all the times I thought things were bad, but really they were going exactly the way they were supposed to? Why am I so impatient when I know things take work and obstacles and fight to accomplish? I feel so focused on the outcome that I was completely forgetting about the beauty of the journey. That when I reached that goal or moment I wanted so badly these were going to be the moments I remembered. How easily have I forgotten that just a few years ago I didn't even know if I would continue my education and here I am doing it, yet I keep thinking beyond it.

I feel like I always do this. Every new chapter of my life, from when I was little. A day dreamer, a perfectionist, an idealist, a lover of love, but the most impatient person you will ever meet... but sometimes even the dreamer needs to be grounded from time to time.

Have you ever felt this way?

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